11 Jul 2018
MiFID II 6 months on, 6 insights

Niki Beattie shares her views throughout this report from the LSE which identifies six key themes from the first six months of MiFID II and offers practical insights. Watch her discuss MiFID II at the report’s landing page.

Excerpt from Insight 1: Back to the block
Niki Beattie, CEO of Market Structure Partners, suggests that markets have not yet become more transparent to end-investors. “We now have a highly complex and opaque market structure. In the equities market, trading on some venues and SIs is not being conducted in keeping with MiFID II. In other asset classes, much of the activity on multilateral venues is in reality bilateral because of its
reliance on credit relationships. Trading venues and brokers are innovating to attract business, but the overall effect in not necessarily improving outcomes or transparency for end-investors.”…